Can I cancel my OrcaOrcaOrca order after making a purchase?

Yes, you have the flexibility to cancel your order within 3 hours after placing it. If you request cancellation within this timeframe and your order hasn't shipped, we will proceed with the cancellation and issue a full refund. However, due to potential tracking delays of up to 48 hours, we may need to verify that your order hasn’t left our warehouse before processing your refund. For orders that have already been shipped, please refer to our standard returns process for refunds.

How do I return or exchange an item with OrcaOrcaOrca?
Our return policy is valid for 30 days from the date your order is delivered. For details on initiating a return or exchange, please consult our Refund Policy.

What payment methods does OrcaOrcaOrca accept?
We accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover and Paypal, as well as Apple Pay and Google Pay, providing a range of options for your convenience.

What should I do if my OrcaOrcaOrca order arrives damaged?
If your item arrives damaged or broken, you have the option to request a refund or an exchange/store credit. Please reach out to us at support@orcaorcaorca.com for assistance.

Where does OrcaOrcaOrca ship from?
Our products are shipped from fulfillment centers in the United States, Eastern Asia, and Western Europe. In cases where an item is out of stock in the nearest location, we will ship directly from our production lines, ensuring delivery times remain consistent with those stated on our shipping page.

What if I'm missing items from my OrcaOrcaOrca order?
Items may be shipped from different locations based on our inventory, resulting in separate deliveries. Rest assured, we guarantee your package’s arrival within the timeframe specified on our Shipping page. If you notice any discrepancies, please contact us at support@orcaorcaorca.com, and we will resolve the issue promptly.